Pome Fruits
Pome fruits are members of the plant family. They are fruits that have a "core" of several small seeds, surrounded by a tough membrane. The membrane is encased in an edible layer of flesh. Trees are deciduous and have a dormant winter period that requires cold temperatures for the tree to properly break dormancy in spring.

Citrus Fruits
All of the citrus fruits are from the family Rutaceae. This family is also known as the rue family and contains flowering plants that generally have a strong scent. The genus Citrus includes oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons. These fruits have been cultivated since ancient times.

Exotic Fruits
Fig is a soft, sweet fruit. Its skin is very thin and has small seeds inside of it. there are more than 850 kinds of fig trees. The fruit can be eaten when ripe and when dried. Figs grow in warm climates. Sometimes, figs are made into jam.

Stone Fruits
Stone fruit is the general term used for some fruit of the prunus species. The stone is sometimes called the seed or the pit of the fruit. Examples of stone fruits are peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and cherries.